3A Translations is committed to providing professional, accurate and high quality translation services. Therefore, we adhere to a strict quality control process to ensure that the final product has outstanding quality and reads as if it was originally written in the target language.
Our duty is to understand your requirements, apply them on your project and convey the same message as the original. As we translate, we strive to render the meaning as faithfully as possible, keeping in mind that all translations should be grammatically and correct in syntax. We always strive to establish quality control measures to ensure that every step in the translation process is performed correctly and in a timely manner.
Our professional use of Terminology Management (TM) tools helps maintain language consistency across multiple projects and multiple groups of translators. TM tools prevent any discrepancies from occurring during a translation project. TM tools also help us create glossaries and industry-specific terminology. We strongly believe in the necessity of creating such glossaries, which help us maintain up-to-date glossaries as each industry relies on specific terminology and nomenclature that is ever-changing and critical to conducting everyday activities.
At 3A Translations, we implement a quality assurance process to ensure that the final product meets our clients' requirements in full. Our approaches to measuring translation quality are based on various methodologies. We adhere to the following steps while the project is being performed: